發表年月: 年 到

  1. Meng-Yu Lin; Wan-Ju Lee , “Effects of pore-fluid pressure on the motion of debris flows ” , 2024 , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers , vol.47 , p.1-15. (SCI期刊)
  2. Meng-Yu Lin , “Analyses of aerodynamic forces on a three-dimensional pitching plate above surface waves” , 2024 , Journal of Engineering Mathematics , p.1-15. (SCI期刊)
  3. Yao-Zhao Zhong; Hwa Chien; Meng-Yu Lin; Anna Wargula; Jia-Lin Chen , “On the dependency of bottom drag and the eddy viscosity upon flow structure in the coastal boundary layer” , 2022 , Journal of Marine Science and Engineering , vol.10 , p.324-1-324-27. (SCI期刊)
  4. Meng-Yu Lin; Li-Jie Wang , “Seepage force on a buried submarine pipeline induced by a solitary wave” , 2020 , Journal of Marine Science and Engineering , vol.8 , p.324-1-324-19. (SCI期刊)
  5. Meng-Yu Lin , “Deterministic particle tracking simulation of pollutant discharges in rivers and estuaries” , 2018 , Environmental Fluid Mechanics , vol.18 , p.1143-1166. (SCI期刊)
  6. Fang-Po-Yuan Yang; Liang-Hsiung Huang; Meng-Yu Lin; Cheng-Wei Chang , “Estimation of the specified time scale for mass transport in a tidal estuary” , 2018 , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil & Hydraulic Engineering , vol.30 , p.1-9. (EI期刊)
  7. H.-Y. Chang; L.-H. Huang; M.-Y. Lin; K.-H. Chang , “Application of a precoated permeable layer to a pipeline partially buried in a porous seabed” , 2017 , Journal of Engineering Mechanics , vol.143 , p.04017025-1-04017025-8. (SCI期刊)
  8. 林孟郁; 林彥廷; 王安培 , “質點法應用於感潮河川污染物傳輸之模擬” , 2016 , 中國土木水利工程學刊 , vol.28 , p.67-76. (EI期刊)
  9. Meng-Yu Lin; Guo-Zhen Liao , “Vortex shedding around a near-wall circular cylinder induced by a solitary wave” , 2015 , Journal of Fluids and Structures , vol.58 , p.127-151. (SCI期刊)
  10. Kao-Hao Chang; Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Modified Lagrangian vortex method with improved boundary conditions for water waves past a thin bottom-standing barrier” , 2015 , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , vol.77 , p.183-205. (SCI期刊)
  11. 林孟郁; 李瑜; 王安培 , “孤立波通過梯形潛堤引致之渦流場” , 2014 , 海洋工程學刊 , vol.14 , p.133-147. (EI期刊)
  12. Meng-Yu Lin; Chiung-Yu Li; An-Pei Wang , “Particle based simulation for solitary waves passing over a submerged breakwater” , 2014 , Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics , vol.2 , p.269-276. (Open Science Directory期刊)
  13. Meng-Yu Lin; Hsueh-Mei Huang; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Tilting while lifting a large object from a rigid porous seabed ” , 2014 , Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE , vol.140 , p.04014004-1-04014004-12. (EI期刊)(SCI期刊)
  14. 林孟郁; 洪政暘; 張正緯; 黃良雄 , “水力緩衝區銜接方法在河口水動力計算之應用 ” , 2013 , 中國土木水利工程學刊 , vol.25 , p.161-170. (EI期刊)
  15. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Numerical simulation of wave-structure interaction using a Lagrangian vortex method” , 2012 , Ocean Engineering , vol.44 , p.11-22. (SCI期刊)
  16. Liang-Hsiung Huang; Meng-Yu Lin; Hong-Wen Chen , “Analysis of water waves passing over a permeable obstacle” , 2010 , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers , vol.33 , p.845-861. (SCI期刊)
  17. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Free-surface flow past a submerged cylinder ” , 2010 , Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B , vol.22 , p.209-214. (EI期刊)
  18. Hsueh-Mei Huang; Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Lifting of a large object from a rigid porous seabed” , 2010 , Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B , vol.22 , p.106-113. (EI期刊)
  19. Chun-Hsiang Wang; Liang-Hsiung Huang; Meng-Yu Lin , “Water well resonance induced by preearthquake signals” , 2010 , Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE , vol.136 , p.1167-1175. (SCI期刊)
  20. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Vortex shedding from a submerged rectangular obstacle attacked by a solitary wave” , 2010 , Journal of Fluid Mechanics , vol.651 , p.503-518. (SCI期刊)
  21. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Study of water waves with submerged obstacles using a vortex method with Helmholtz decomposition” , 2009 , International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids , vol.60 , p.119-148. (SCI期刊)
  22. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Velocity profiles of nonlinear shallow-water flows” , 2008 , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers , vol.31 , p.105-120. (SCI期刊)
  23. Liang-Hsiung Huang; Jihn-Sung Lai; Ping-Cheng Hsieh; Meng-Yu Lin , “Integrated simulations of flood inundation with the tidal effect in the Hua-Lien City” , 2000 , Journal of the Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering , vol.12 , p.817-830. (EI期刊)
  1. 林奕翔; 林孟郁 , “斜坡底床因波浪淺化及碎波引致土壤反應之數值模擬” , 2023 , 第一屆台灣計算力學學會年會與第十四屆台灣邊界元素法會議暨學術研討會 , 2023 /10 /28 ~ 2023 /10 /29 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  2. 林孟郁; 林奕翔; 林昱維 , “斜坡底床淺埋管線因波浪淺化 及碎波引致之滲流力” , 2023 , 第 45 屆海洋工程研討會 , 2023 /10 /5 ~ 2023 /10 /6 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  3. 林孟郁 , “受風力與波浪作用之二維浮體運動解析” , 2022 , 第 44 屆海洋工程研討會 , 2022 /11 /17 ~ 2022 /11 /18 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  4. 林芝宇; 吳舜筠; 翁浤翔; 林孟郁 , “近地面或水面傾斜平板所受風載重之數值模擬” , 2022 , 第九屆全國風工程研討會 , 2022 /10 /28 ~ 2022 /10 /28 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  5. Meng-Yu Lin , “Hydrodynamic analysis of floating solar panels” , 2020 , 2020 International Conference on the Development and Applications of New Technologies in Civil Engineering , 2020 /10 /30 ~ 2020 /10 /30 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  6. 林孟郁 , “Numerical study on the horizontal dispersion in coastal boundary layer” , 2019 , 第八屆海峽兩岸海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會 , 2019 /10 /24 ~ 2019 /10 /27 , 大陸地區 .
  7. Meng-Yu Lin , “Numerical analysis of the wind force on a thin plate above a free surface” , 2019 , Asia Conference on Engineering and Information , 2019 /6 /18 ~ 2019 /6 /21 , 大陸地區 .
  8. 林孟郁 , “水面上二維薄平板之風力分析” , 2018 , 第 40 屆海洋工程研討會 , 2018 /11 /20 ~ 2018 /11 /22 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  9. Fu-Cheng Hsiao, Liang-Hsiung Huang, Meng-Yu Lin , “Analytical method for linear viscous water wave applicable to a flat-type wave maker” , 2018 , The 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics , 2018 /9 /2 ~ 2018 /9 /6 , Republic of Korea .
  10. Meng-Yu Lin , “Seepage force on a pipeline buried in a poroelastic seabed induced by a solitary wave” , 2018 , The Twenty-eighth (2018) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference , 2018 /6 /10 ~ 2018 /6 /15 , Japan .
  11. 林孟郁 , “孤立波引致海底管線周圍之底床反應” , 2017 , 第 39 屆海洋工程研討會 , 2017 /11 /15 ~ 2017 /11 /17 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  12. 林孟郁 , “近岸質量傳輸之質點模擬方法” , 2017 , 第七屆海洋環境監測及預報技術研討會 , 2017 /10 /23 ~ 2017 /10 /25 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  13. Meng-Yu Lin , “Deterministic Particle Tracking Simulation of Pollutant Discharges in Tidal Current” , 2017 , International Conference on Mechanical, Civil and Material Engineering , 2017 /6 /6 ~ 2017 /6 /8 , Japan .
  14. 林孟郁;賴哲弘;歐陽慧濤 , “河川潛板之渦流力分析” , 2016 , 中華民國力學學會第四十屆全國力學會議 , 2016 /11 /25 ~ 2016 /11 /26 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  15. Meng-Yu Lin , “Viscous forces on a circular cylinder beneath periodic waves” , 2016 , The International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences , 2016 /2 /18 ~ 2016 /2 /20 , Republic of Singapore .
  16. Meng-Yu Lin , “Boussinesq modeling of wave-vortex interaction” , 2015 , 25th (2015) International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference , 2015 /6 /21 ~ 2015 /6 /25 , United States .
  17. 林孟郁 , “波浪-渦流互制之布斯尼斯克模式” , 2014 , 第 36 屆海洋 工程研討會 , 2014 /12 /4 ~ 2014 /12 /5 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  18. H.-Y. Chang; L.-H. Huang; M.-Y. Lin; K .H. Chang , “Flow behavior around a coated pipeline embedded partly in a permeable seabed.” , 2014 , The 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014) , 2014 /10 /19 ~ 2014 /10 /24 , Republic of Singapore .
  19. Meng-Yu Lin , “Lagrangian particle simulation of lock-exchange flow” , 2014 , The 11th International Conference on Hydrodynamics (ICHD 2014) , 2014 /10 /19 ~ 2014 /10 /24 , Republic of Singapore .
  20. Meng-Yu Lin; Chiung-Yu Li; An-Pei Wang , “Vortex generation and deformation of solitary waves passing over a trapezoidal submerged breakwater” , 2013 , 第35屆海洋工程研討會 , 2013 /11 /21 ~ 2013 /11 /22 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  21. Meng-Yu Lin; Yan-Ting Lin; An-Pei Wang , “Simulation of pollutant transport in rivers using particle methods” , 2013 , 電子計算機於土木水利工程應用研討會 , 2013 /9 /5 ~ 2013 /9 /6 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  22. Meng-Yu Lin; Hsueh-Mei Huang; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Analytical investigation of the flow induced by lifting a large object from a porous seabed” , 2013 , The Twenty-third (2013) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference , 2013 /6 /30 ~ 2013 /7 /5 , United States .
  23. 林孟郁; 廖國禎 , “孤立波通過平坦底床上圓柱之渦流生成現象” , 2012 , 第34屆海洋工程研討會 , 2012 /11 /22 ~ 2012 /11 /23 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  24. Meng-Yu Lin , “Effect of a Plane Boundary on Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder Attacked by a Solitary Wave” , 2012 , 10th International Conference on Hydrodynamics , 2012 /10 /1 ~ 2012 /10 /4 , Russia .
  25. L.-H. Huang; Meng-Yu Lin; C.-W. Chang; Z.-F. Zhou , “The study of flood inundation simulation in response to climate change” , 2011 , 第20屆水利工程研討會 , 2011 /12 /14 ~ 2011 /12 /15 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  26. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Free-surface flow past a submerged cylinder” , 2010 , 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics , 2010 /10 /11 ~ 2010 /10 /15 .
  27. Hsueh-Mei Huang; Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Lifting of a large object from a rigid porous seabed” , 2010 , 9th International Conference on Hydrodynamics , 2010 /10 /11 ~ 2010 /10 /15 .
  28. Keng, C.H.; Huang, L.H.; Lin, M.Y.; Kuo, Y.C.; Chang, C.W.; Yang, C.H.; Tsai, T.L , “A study on establishing the simple analytical model for estimation the ratio of layered discharges ” , 2009 , 第七屆地下水資源及水質保護研討會 , 2009 /12 /4 ~ 2009 /12 /4 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  29. 林孟郁; 黃良雄 , “移動物體造成之水面波動及渦流生成現象” , 2009 , 第31屆海洋工程研討會 , 2009 /11 /26 ~ 2009 /11 /27 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  30. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Study on solitary waves with structures using a vortex method with Helmholtz decomposition.” , 2008 , 2nd International Symposium on Shallow Flows , 2008 /12 /10 ~ 2008 /12 /12 , Hong Kong .
  31. H.-J. Hsu; M.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Kuo,; T.-Y. Wang; H.-J. Hsu; L.-H. Huang. , “The auxiliary computation of the full tidal measurements in the estuary of Tansui River” , 2007 , 第二十九屆海洋工程研討會 , 2007 /11 /29 ~ 2007 /11 /30 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  32. Chih-Hsien Tsao; Meng-Yu Lin; Hao-Jen Hsu; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “A study for the dimension of hydrodynamics and mass transport in estuary of Tansui River” , 2006 , 第28屆海洋工程研討會 , 2006 /11 /30 ~ 2006 /12 /1 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  33. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Gravity water waves with vortex effect—linear water wave problem” , 2004 , 第26屆海洋工程研討會 , 2004 /11 /29 ~ 2004 /11 /30 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  34. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “A domain decomposition method for tidal estuary computation” , 2003 , 第25屆海洋工程研討會 , 2003 /10 /29 ~ 2003 /10 /30 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  35. Meng-Yu Lin; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Computation of nonlinear vertical variation of depth integrated velocity profile” , 2002 , Fifth International Conference on Hydrodynamics , 2002 /10 /31 ~ 2002 /11 /2 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  36. Meng-Yu Lin; Zen-Yo Wu; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Estuary computation of Zhousui river in Taiwan” , 2001 , Asian and Pacific Coastal Engineering 2001 , 2001 /10 /18 ~ 2001 /10 /21 , 大陸地區 .
  37. Jihn-Sung Lai; Meng-Yu Lin , “A study on regional inundation forecast for Sanchong, Luzhou, Xinzhuang and Shulin Cities of Taipei County” , 2000 , 八十九年農業工程研討會 , 2000 /12 /1 ~ 2000 /12 /2 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  38. Ping-Cheng Hsieh; Meng-Yu Lin; Jihn-Sung Lai; Liang-Hsiung Huang , “Integration of models for simulating flood inundation in Hualien City under tidal effects” , 2000 , 2nd Mountain Disasters and Environmental Protection across Taiwan Strait Conference , 2000 /9 /15 ~ 2000 /9 /16 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  39. Jihn-Sung Lai; Liang-Hsiung Huang; Ping-Cheng Hsieh; Meng-Yu Lin. , “Integration of models for simulating flood inundation in the urban area” , 2000 , Hydro Informatics 2000 , 2000 /7 /23 ~ 2000 /7 /27 , United States .
  40. Liang-Hsiung Huang; Jihn-Sung Lai; Ping-Cheng Hsieh; Meng-Yu Lin , “The influence of gravitational drainage water gate to urban drainage” , 1999 , 第十屆水利工程研討會 , 1999 /7 /15 ~ 1999 /7 /16 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  41. Liang-Hsiung Huang; Jihn-Sung Lai; Ping-Cheng Hsieh; Meng-Yu Lin , “Simulation of flow and sediment in the Mei-Luan Creek” , 1998 , 八十七年農業工程研討會 , 1998 /12 /1 ~ 1998 /12 /2 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  42. Ko-Fei Liu; Chia-Hung Kuo; Meng-Yu Lin , “Spectral method applied in nearshore three dimensional modelling” , 1998 , 第九屆水利工程研討會 , 1998 /7 /15 ~ 1998 /7 /16 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  1. 王安培; 鄧志浩; 張德鑫; 林旭信; 林孟郁 , 編著者 , “流體力學實驗” , 滄海 , 2014 , 9789865647001 .
  1. 黃良雄; 林孟郁; 張芯瑜; 賴柏元 , “抑制管湧現象之模擬方法” , 發明 , 2017 , 中華民國 台灣 , 發明字第 I566106 (2017.1) .
  1. 游景雲;施上粟;邱昱嘉;林孟郁 , “南勢溪防洪減淤與桂山壩水力排砂之評估 (2/2)” , 2018 .
  2. 游景雲;施上粟;邱昱嘉;林孟郁 , “南勢溪防洪減淤與桂山壩水力排砂之評估總報告” , 2018 .
  3. 游景雲;施上粟;邱昱嘉;林孟郁 , “南勢溪防洪減淤與桂山壩水力排砂之評估 (1/2)” , 2017 .
  4. 黃良雄;林孟郁;黃仲偉 , “因應氣候變遷區域淹水模擬與災害管理規劃技術研究 (3/3)” , 2012 .
  5. 黃良雄;林孟郁;黃仲偉 , “因應氣候變遷區域淹水模擬與災害管理規劃技術研究 (2/3)” , 2011 .
  6. 黃良雄;林孟郁;黃仲偉 , “因應氣候變遷區域淹水模擬與災害管理規劃技術研究 (1/3)” , 2010 .