itouch 密碼重設(password reset)

帳號 (account): (例: 10012345)
居留證號 / 護照號碼 / 身分證號:
(ARC number/passport number/national ID number)
(例: A123456789)


密碼重設步驟 Steps for resetting password:
1. 請輸入itouch帳號及身分證號,系統會自動帶出您登錄的手機號碼
Enter your itouch account number and ID number. The system will automatically retrieve the phone number you have registered
2. 請輸入手機號碼比對是否正確
Please enter the phone number to confirm it is correct
3. 收到手機簡訊後,請在30分鐘內輸入收到的驗證碼
Please enter the verification code sent via text message to your mobile phone within 30 minutes
4. 驗證成功後,重設itouch密碼
Once the verification is successful, reset your itouch password
注意事項 note:
If you do not receive a text message to your mobile phone, please check to see if you have mobile phone reception at the location where you are or whether you have blocked the reception of spam messages on your phone***