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  1. Koshoev, Askar , “Dissection of Investor Sentiments: Evidence from Taiwan” , 2019 , Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research , vol.9 , p.26-37. (EconLit期刊)
  2. Chen, Yi-Pei Chen; Koshoev, Askar , “Dividend payout abnormal returns, and earnings growth of cross -listed firms. The situation in the Four tigers.” , 2018 , Review of Finance and Banking , vol.10 , p.65-76. (EconLit期刊)
  3. Koshoev, Askar , “Synthetic versus Physical Exchange Traded Funds. Spillover and Asymmetric-Volatility Effects” , 2018 , Journal of Advanced Studies in Finance , vol.9 , p.15-23. (EconLit期刊)
  4. Hu, John Wei-Shan; Koshoev, Askar , “Five Factors to Measure P/E Ratio in China” , 2017 , International Research Journal of Applied Finance , vol.8 , p. 154-162. (Econlit期刊)
  5. Hu, John Wei-Shan; Koshoev, Askar , “Specifics of Investor Sentiments. Analysis of Chinese Market” , 2017 , International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management. , vol.8 , p.1-8. (Econlit期刊)