For faculty, your account number is your personnel code; for students, your account number is your student ID number. Your initial password is the 8 digits representing your (Gregorian calendar) birth date in the order: year, month, date (ex. For a birth date of 1 December 1990, the password would be ‘19901201’)
If you cannot change your password using the method described, please use the following method to apply for a password change:
On-site application for students: Please bring your student ID card in person to the Administration and Service Center on the Dickson Lee Hall 1F.
Apply by phone: 03-2651179、1180.
- 教職員親自攜帶服務證至維澈樓7樓人事室辦理(分機2321)。
Faculty members please take your service ID to the Personnel Office on the 7th floor of the Administration and Service Center (ext. 2321)
For faculty/staff course enrollment,inter-university course enrollment,non-student status course enrollment,and foreign exchange students,
your account number is your student ID number (the first digit being 0).
Your initial password is the 8 digits representing your (Gregorian calendar) birth date in the order: year, month, date (Ex. or a birth date of 1 December 1990 the password would be ‘19901201’).
If you did not fill in the birth date column on the application form, please try your ID number or passport number.