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  1. Hsu, H. C. , “Pretask training for web-based second language collaborative writing” , 2024 , Language Learning & Technology , vol.28 , p.1-30. (SSCI期刊)
  2. Hsu, H. C. , “The effect of collaborative prewriting on L2 collaborative writing production and individual L2 writing development” , 2023 , International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching , p.1-35 (Online First). (SSCI期刊)
  3. Hsu, H. C. , “Peer interaction and attention to form in web-based synchronous and asynchronous L2 collaborative writing” , 2022 , Computer Assisted Language Learning , p.1-30 (Online First). (SSCI期刊)
  4. Hsu, H. C. , “The impact of task complexity on patterns of interaction during web-based asynchronous collaborative writing tasks ” , 2020 , System , vol.93 , p.1-13. (SSCI期刊)
  5. Hsu, H. C. , “Wiki-mediated collaboration and its association with L2 writing development: An exploratory study” , 2019 , Computer Assisted Language Learning , vol.32 , p.945-967(First published online May 20, 2019). (SSCI期刊)
  6. Hsu, H. C. , “The combined effect of task repetition and post-task transcribing on L2 speaking complexity, accuracy, and fluency” , 2019 , The Language Learning Journal , vol.47 , p.172-187 (First published online 18 Jan 2017).
  7. Hsu, H. C. & Lo, Y. F. , “Using wiki-mediated collaboration to foster L2 writing performance” , 2018 , Language Learning & Technology , vol.22 , p.103-123. (SSCI期刊)
  8. Hsu, H. C. , “The effect of task planning on L2 performance and L2 development in text-based synchronous computer-mediated communication” , 2017 , Applied Linguistics , vol.38 , p.359-385 (First published on 7 August 2015). (SSCI期刊)
  9. Hsu, H. C. , “Voice blogging and L2 speaking performance” , 2016 , Computer Assisted Language Learning , vol.29 , p.968-983 (First published online 21 Dec 2015). (SSCI期刊)
  10. Hsu, H. C. , “Investigating the effects of planning on L2 text-chat performance” , 2012 , CALICO Journal , vol.29 , p.619-638.
  1. Hsu, H. C. , “Written languaging for computer-mediated collaborative L2 writing” , 2024 , JALTCALL 2024 , 2024 /5 /17 ~ 2024 /5 /19 , Japan .
  2. Hsu, H.C. , “Impact of pretask modeling on languaging in computer-mediated L2 collaborative writing” , 2023 , JALTCALL , 2023 /6 /2 ~ 2023 /6 /4 , Japan .
  3. Hsu, H.C. , “Using pretask training to foster web-based L2 collaborative writing” , 2021 , American Association Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Virtual Conference , 2021 /3 /20 ~ 2021 /3 /23 , United States .
  4. Hsu, H. C. , “Task complexity and L2 web-based collaborative writing” , 2019 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, USA , 2019 /3 /9 ~ 2019 /3 /12 , United States .
  5. Hsu, H. C. , “Wiki collaboration and its association with L2 writing development: An exploratory study” , 2018 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago , 2018 /3 /24 ~ 2018 /3 /27 , United States .
  6. Hsu, H. C; Lo, Y. F. , “Using wiki-mediated collaboration to foster L2 writing performance” , 2017 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, USA , 2017 /3 /18 ~ 2017 /3 /21 , United States .
  7. Hsu, H. C. , “The effect of task repetition and post-task trancribing on L2 speaking performance” , 2016 , Pacific Second Language Research Forum (PacSLRF), Tokyo, Japan , 2016 /9 /9 ~ 2016 /9 /11 , Japan .
  8. Hsu, H. C. , “The combined effect of task repetitition and post-task transcribing on L2 speaking complexity, accuracy, and fluency” , 2016 , Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), New York, USA , 2016 /9 /22 ~ 2016 /9 /25 , United States .
  9. Hsu, H. C. , “The effect of voice blogging on complexity, accuracy, and fluency of L2 speaking performance” , 2014 , The 31st International Conference on English Teaching & Learning, Chung-li, Taiwan , 2014 /5 /17 ~ 2014 /5 /18 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  10. Hsu, H. C. , “Exploring the Effect of Speaking Practice via Voice Blogs on L2 Speaking Performance” , 2014 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, USA , 2014 /3 /22 ~ 2014 /3 /25 , United States .
  11. Hsu, H. C. , “Exploring the effect of simultaneous use of rehearsal and careful online planning on L2 self-repair moves in the context of CMC” , 2013 , CALICO, Hawaii, USA , 2013 /5 /21 ~ 2013 /5 /25 , United States .
  12. Hsu, H. C. , “What are L2 learners doing during task planning time: The case of self-repair in the context of CMC” , 2013 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Dallas, USA , 2013 /3 /16 ~ 2013 /3 /19 , United States .
  13. Hsu, H. C. , “Exploring the effect of task planning on English language development in the context of written SCMC” , 2012 , The Sixth Conference on College English, Taipei, Taiwan , 2012 /10 /20 ~ 2012 /10 /20 , 中華民國 台灣 .
  14. Hsu, H. C. , “Planning and second language development in task-based synchronous computer-mediated communication” , 2012 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Boston, USA , 2012 /3 /24 ~ 2012 /3 /27 , United States .
  15. Sauro, S; Xu, H.; Hsu, H. C. , “Exploring synchronous CMC for Chinese language learning” , 2011 , The International Association for Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing, China , 2011 /8 /23 ~ 2011 /8 /28 , 大陸地區 .
  16. Hsu, H. C. , “Investigating the effects of planning on L2 text-chat performance” , 2011 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Chicago, USA , 2011 /3 /26 ~ 2011 /3 /29 , United States .
  17. Hsu, H. C. , “The effects of planning on complexity, fluency, and accuracy in L2 text-chat discourse” , 2010 , Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Washington D.C., USA , 2010 /10 /14 ~ 2010 /10 /17 , United States .
  18. Sauro, S; Hsu, H. C.; Xu, H. , “Comparing L2 Chinese performance in text-chat and spoken discourse” , 2010 , American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Atlanta, USA , 2010 /3 /6 ~ 2010 /3 /9 , United States .
  1. Hsu, H. C. , 自著者 , “Peer interaction in collaborative L2 writing across synchronous and asynchronous CMC modes” , L2 collaborative writing in diverse learning context , John Benjamins , 2023 , 9789027214003 .
  1. Hsu, H. C. , “Review of Evaluating Computer-Assisted Language Learning: An Integrated Approach to Effectiveness Research in CALL by Leakey, Jonathan” , 2012 .
  2. Sauro, S; Hsu, H. C.; Xu, H. , “Text-chat and Chinese language learning” , 2011 .
  3. Hsu, H. C. , “Review of Learning to Read in a New Language: Making Sense of Words and Worlds by Gregory, Eve” , 2011 .
  4. Hsu, H. , “Review of Literacy and Second Language Oracy by Tarone, Elaine; Bigelow, Martha & Hansen, Kit” , 2010 .